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NOTIFICATION It is informed to all concerned that the meeting of Standing Committee for unfair means cases held on 21/11/2024 in the office of Controller of Examinations. After considering the UMC cases registered against the students in respect of Affiliated Education Colleges/UTD (September-2024) Courses. The expert report given by the subject expert and statement made by the students, if any, before the Standing Committee during personal hearing in connection with the same, the following decisions are taken.
NOTIFICATION Schedule and List for personal hearing of the students of Affiliated Education Colleges and UTD Courses against whom unfair means cases (UMC) have been registered during the examination of September-2024. The students also who give their request for reconsideration against the decision of the UMC Committee meeting held on 29 & 30/07/2024 and 24/09/2024 at 11:30AM onwards. Now the meeting of the standing Committee of Unfair Means Cases for personal hearing will be held on 21/11/2024 at 11:30 AM onwards in the office of Controller of Examination.
Notification It is informed to all concerned that the meeting of Standing Committee for unfair means cases held on 24/09/2024 in the office of Controller of Examinations. After considering the UMC cases registered against the students in respect of Affiliated Education Colleges/CDOE (Session July-2024) Courses. The expert report given by the subject expert and statement made by the students, if any, before the Standing Committee during personal hearing in connection with the same, the following decisions are taken.
NOTIFICATION -: Schedule and List for personal hearing of the students of Affiliated Education Colleges and CDOE Courses against whom unfair means cases (UMC) have been registered during the examination of July-2024. The students also who give their request for reconsideration against the decision of the UMC Committee meeting held on 09/07/2024 at 10:00AM onwards. Now the meeting of the standing Committee of Unfair Means Cases for personal hearing will be held on 24/09/2024 at 10:00 AM onwards in the office of Controller of Examination.
It is informed to all concerned that the meeting of Standing Committee for unfair means cases held on 29 & 30/07/2024 in the office of Controller of Examinations. After considering the UMC cases registered against the students in respect of Affiliated Degree/Law Colleges/UTD (Session May-2024) Courses. The expert report given by the subject expert and statement made by the students, if any, before the Standing Committee during personal hearing in connection with the same, the following decisions are taken:-
It is informed to all concerned that the meeting of Standing Committee for unfair means cases held on 09/07/2024 in the office of Controller of Examinations. After considering the UMC cases registered against the candidates in respect of CDOE (March-2024) & Affiliated Degree/Law Colleges/UTD (Session May-2024) Courses and also for the student who gave their request for reconsideration of UMC hearing whose previous UMC hearing was held on 09/05/2024.
NOTIFICATION Schedule and List for personal hearing of the students of Affiliated Degree/Law Colleges/UTD (Except final semester students) exam held for the session May-2024 against whom unfair means cases (UMC) have been registered. Now the meeting of the standing Committee of Unfair Means Cases for personal hearing will be held on 29 & 30/07/2024 at 10:00AM
The UMC hearing for the following reconsideration case(s) is/are to be held on 09/07/2024 at 2:00 PM onwards in the office of Controller of Examinations.
Schedule and List for personal hearing of the students of Affiliated Degree/Law Colleges/UTD (for final semester students only) exam held for the session May-2024 and CDOE Courses students exam held in March-2024 against whom unfair means cases (UMC) have been registered. Now the meeting of the standing Committee of Unfair Means Cases for personal hearing will be held on 09/07/2024 at 10:00AM to onwards in the office of Controller of Examinations.
NOTIFICATION It is informed to all concerned that the meeting of Standing Committee for unfair means cases held on 09/05/2024 in the office of Controller of Examinations. After considering the UMC cases registered against the candidates in respect of Affiliated Degree/Engg. Colleges/Distance Education Courses for the exam held in March/April-2024/Re-evaluation of answer sheet for the examination held in Dec.2021 & Jan. 2022 and also for the student who gave their request for reconsideration of UMC hearing whose previous UMC hearing was held on 28 & 29/02/2024.
Schedule and List for personal hearing of the students of Affiliated Degree/Engg. Colleges and DDE Courses against whom unfair means cases (UMC) have been registered during the examination of March/April-2024. One case of the UMC are made during the re-evaluation of the answer sheet for the Session Dec.-2021/Jan. 2022 mentioned at Sr. No. 31. and students also who give their request for reconsideration against the decision of the UMC Committee meeting held on 28 & 29/02/2024 at 10:00AM to onwards. Now the meeting of the standing Committee of Unfair Means Cases for personal hearing will be held on 09/05/2024 at 2:30PM to onwards in the office of Controller of Examination.
Decision of the UMC hearing held on 28.02.24 & 29.02.2024 has been postponed
Notification for bearing roll number 223042250677 has mention wrong roll no in UMC List dated 28.07.23
UMC reconsideration meeting scheduled to be held on 29.02.24 for the session dec./Jan.-2023
UMC meeting scheduled to be held on 29.02.24 for the session dec./Jan.-2023
UMC meeting scheduled to be held on 28 & 29.02.24 for the session dec./Jan.-2023
Notification for hearing of candidates against whom Unfair Means Cases (UMC) were registered during the examinations held in June/July 2018. Uploaded on 19.09.2018
Notification of decision of Unfair Means Cases (UMC) meeting held on 26.07.2018 and 27.07.2018
Notice of UMC hearing who were registered against Unfair means cases during the examinations held in Dec-2018 and Jan-2019.
Notification for the decision of UMC meeting held during Feb. 11-12, 2019.
Notice for personal hearing of the candidates who were registered for unfair means cases during the examinations held in Jan./Feb/March-2019,in the UTD/Degree College and distance education courses.
Schedule & List of personal hearing of the candidates who have requested for re-consideration against the UMC decision.
Notification on UMC Hearing Cases held on 22.04.2019 & 23.04.2019
Notification regarding Hearing of UMC scheduled to be held on 18.07.2019 & 19.07.2019
Schedule & List of personal hearing of the candidates against which UMC has been registered in the examination held in May/June-2019
Notification of meeting of standing committee on UMC which was held on August 26-27, 2019.
Personal hearing for the students against whom Unfair Means Cases (UMC) were registered during the examination held in July, 2019 and September, 2019 will be held on 08-09 November, 2019
Schedule & List of personal hearing of the candidates against which UMC has been registered in the examination held in April/May/June-2019 and who have requested for re-consideration against the UMC decision meeting held in 18 to 19.07.2019 and 26 to 27.08.2019
List of personal hearing of the candidates against which UMC has been registered in the examination held on July/September-2019, held in 08-09 November,2019.
Notification of meeting for the hearing of UMC registered during examintaion held in Nov./Dec. 2019
Schedule & List of personal hearing of the candidates against which UMC has been registered in the examination held in Nov/Dec 2019 and who have requested for re-consideration against the UMC decision meeting held in November 8-9,2019
Decision of UMC meeting held on 26.02.2020 and 28.02.2020
Decision of UMC Meeting Held on 03.12.2020 and 04.12.2020.
Decision of UMC Meeting Held on 05.01.2021 and 06.01.2021.
Schedule and list of personal hearing of the candidates against which unfair means cases (UMC) has been regsitered during the examinations Online and Offline mode held in November and December 2020.
Decision of UMC meeting held on 17.02.2021 and 19.02.2021.
Notification for hearing of Unfair Means Cases (UMC) registered during online/offline mode held in October 2020 and Jan/Feb/March 2021
Notification for postponement of UMC meeting scheduled on 22.04.2021
Notification and schedule of UMC meeting scheduled on 20.07.2021
Meeting of UMC hearing committee scheduled on 20.07.2021 has now rescheduled on 27.07.2021
Decision of UMC meeting held on 27.07.2021.
Notification regarding hearing of unfair means cases (UMC) registered during the Online/ Offline examinations held during April/May/June-2021.
Notification regarding hearing of unfair means cases (UMC) registered during the Online mode examinations held during April/May-2021.
Decision of Standing Committee on Unfair Means Cases (UMC) held during 08.09.2021 to 10.09.2021
Schedule & List for personal hearing of the candidates against whom unfair means cases (UMC) have been registered during the Online mode examinations for the students of UTD (during May- June), Distance Education courses (during July) and Affiliated Degree College during (July to Sept. 1st/ 3rd and 6th Sem. of (Batch- 2017-2018).
Schedule for Re-consideration UMC Hearing held on 14.010.2021
Decision of Standing Committee on Unfair Means Cases (UMC) held during 11.10.2021 to 14.10.2021
Notification regarding hearing of unfair means cases (UMC)for B.Ed Courses and affiliated degree colleges.
List of students applied for UMC Re-consideration Cases scheduled on 12.11.2021 (Morning and Evening)
Schedule for the candidates against whom unfair means cases (UMC) were registered
Decision of standing committeee regarding Unfair Means Cases (UMC) held during 10.11.2021 to 12.11.2021
List of Students applied for UMC Re-Consideration Cases scheduled on 03.12.2021 (Evening)
Schedule & List for personal hearing of the candidates against whom unfair means cases (UMC) have been registered during the Online mode examinations for the students of Affiliated Degree College during July to Sept. 1st Sem. of Batch- 2020.
Decision of UMC hearing committee held during 30.11.2021 to 03.12.2021
Notification regarding meeting of UMC scheduled on 21.12.2021 will now be scheduled on 23.12.2021. Rest schedule will remain same.
Schedule & List for personal hearing of the candidates against whom unfair means cases (UMC) have been registered during the Online mode examinations for the students of Affiliated Degree College during July to Sept. 2021.
Decision of UMC hearing committee held during 22.12.2021 to 23.12.2021
Notice of Postponment of UMC Committee Meetings scheduled to be held on 11.01.2022 to 13.01.2022.
Schedule & List for personal hearing of the candidates against whom unfair means cases (UMC) have been registered during the Online mode Examinations held in July to Sept.-2021 (B.A, B.Com, B.Sc-2nd and 4th Sem. of Batch- 2019 and B.Com -2nd Sem. of Batch- 2020) and some cases of UMC re-consideration.
Decision of UMC hearing committee held during 07.02.2021 to 09.02.2021
Notification regarding hearing of Unfair Means Cases (UMC) scheduled on 31.03.2022
List of Students applied for UMC Re-Consideration Cases scheduled on 31.03.2022 (Evening) from 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm
Notification and Scheduled of UMC Hearing held on 19.04.2022 to 22.04.2022 (B.A and B.Sc-2nd Sem Batch-2022)
Decision of UMC hearing committee held during 01.06.2022
Notification and schedule of UMC Hearing held on 06.07.2022 for online mode of Distance Education Exam Held in June/July-2021 and offline mode of Distance Education and B.Ed Exam. held in April/May-2022 along with the UMC re-consideration.
Schedule & List for personal hearing of the Students against whom unfair means cases (UMC) have been registered
Decision of UMC hearing committee held on 06.07.2022 for online mode of Distance Education Exam Held in June/July-2021 and offline mode of Distance Education and B.Ed Exam. held in April/May-2022.
Notification and schedule of UMC Hearing for Online and offline mode of B.Sc/BMC/BCA-1st, 3rd Sem. and LLB and BALLB -1st, 3rd , 5th and 7th Sem. Exam. held in February-March-2022 along with the UMC re-consideration.
Schedule for UMC re-consideration to be held on 10.08.2022.
Decision of UMC hearing committee held on 26.07.2022 to 29.07.2022 for considering the umc cases of affiliated degree colleges for online and offline mode exams of B.Sc/BMC/BCA-1st, 3rd Sem. and LLB and BALLB -1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th Sem. held in February-March-2022 along with the UMC re-consideration cases
Decision of UMC Hearing held on 09.08.2022 to 10.08.2022
Scheduled and Notification for UMC hearing held on 05.09.2022 to 06.09.2022
Decision of UMC hearing held on 05.09.2022 and 06.09.2022
Scheduled and notification for UMC hearing held on 30.09.2022 and 03.10.2022 to 04.10.2022
Scheduled and notification for UMC hearing held on 19.10.2022
List of Re-consideration UMC Hearing cases Scheduled on 19.10.2022
Decision of UMC hearing held on 30.09.2022 and 03.10.2022 to 04.10.2022
Scheduled and notification for UMC hearing held on 04.11.2022
List of Re-consideration UMC Hearing cases Scheduled on 04.11.2022
Decision of UMC hearing held on 19.10.2022
Notice regarding UMC hearing scheduled on 21.11.2022
Decision of UMC Meeting hearing held on 04.11.2022
List of Re-consideration UMC Hearing cases Scheduled on 21.11.2022 (Evening session from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.)
Decision of UMC Meeting hearing held on 21.11.2022
Scheduled and notification for UMC hearing held on 20.12.2022 to 21.12.2022
Decision of UMC hearing held on 20.12.2022 and 21.12.2022
Schedule & List for personal hearing of the Students who have submitted their request for hearing of UMC case after the UMCs hearing held on 04.11.2022 and 21.11.2022
Decision of UMC hearing held on 25.01.2023
List of re-consideration of UMC hearing cases scheduled on 24.02.2023
Result/Decision list of UMC re-consider students whose meeting was held on 24.02.2023.
Personal hearing for the Unfair Means Cases (UMC) will be held on 21.03.2023 and 22.03.2023
Decision of UMC hearing held on 21.03.2023 and 22.03.2023
Scheduled and notification for UMC hearing held on 27.04.2023
Decision of the UMC hearing held on 27.04.2023
Notification regarding UMC hearing for those candidates who submitted their request for re-consideration of UMC decision.
Notification regarding personal hearing fixed on 13.06.2023 for those candidates who were not satisfied with the decision of meeting held on 21 and 22-03-2023.
Schedule and list of personal hearing for the students against whom UMC have been registerd will be on 28 & 30/06/2023.
Decision of the UMC hearing held on 13.06.2023
Decision of the UMC hearing held on 28 & 30.06.2023
Schedule and list of personal hearing of the students will be held on 19.07.2023
Decision of the UMC hearing held on 19.07.2023
Schedule and list of personal hearing of the students of Affiliated collges and Distance Education will be held on 18.09.2023 & 19.09.2023
Decision of the UMC hearing held on 18.09.2023 and 19.09.2023
Notification for Re-consideration of Decision of UMC Committee
Decision of the UMC committee for reconsideration hearing held on 09.11.2023
Mass Copying list of the students M.Sc Physics 2nd sem 19.12.2023
UMC meeting scheduled to be held on 22.12.23 has been postponed
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