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Mukesh Kumar
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestiae illum amet illo.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestiae illum amet illo.
Mukesh Kumar
Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya Computer & Informatics Centre (PDUCIC)
Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya Computer & Informatics Centre (PDUCIC)
The Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya Computer & Informatics Centre (PDUCIC) is established with an aim to act as central facility to meet the computing requirements of all the students, research scholars, staff and faculty of the University. The centre is equipped with 225 desktop computers of latest configuration alongwith 04 dedicated servers to cater the ICT activities of the University. The centre also hosts the information centric website of University for students/stakeholders /readers for the latest information about the University. Centre also host an independent website for Distance Education Department for related latest information. Further, the centre provides free internet facility to the University students. All the computers are connected on 1G Network and provides internet facility with 100 Mbps speed through dedicated leased line. Many online tests of national level for admissions, jobs are also conducted in PDUCIC with the help of testing agencies. Additionally, the centre also conduct the online tests for the training and placements of students. From its very inception, the PDUCIC has effectively been performing task of building up data processing capabilities of many branches of the University and playing a vital role in imparting intensive training time to time to the staff of the University. In addition, there is a full-fledged language lab prepared with Wordsworth software to enhance the language skills and personality development of students.
Infrastructure available in Computer Centre:
Servers - 5
DLP Projectors - 5
Computers - 225
Interactive Board - 1
Laser Printers (B/W) - 3
Multi Functional LaserJet Printer - 9
Inkjet Printer - 2
Scanner - 2
Head Phones - 60
5 KVA Online UPS - 16
Invertors - 2
Fire Extinguishers - 80
Fully Air Conditioned Centre
Networking/Internet Facility
100 Mbps Leased line through BSNL
1 GBPS Leased available in Campus Wide Networking Cell