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Dr. Vinod Kumar

Dr. Vinod Kumar
About The Library
The University Library came into existence in 1996 and is housed in a circular designed three-storey large building. It is named after the great Indian Jurist, Economist, Politician and Social Reformer Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar. The seating capacity of the University Library is 400 seats. The Library runs in two shifts i. e. 9.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. and 11.00 A.M. to 7.00 P.M. and remains open on Saturdays and Sundays also. The timing of Night Reading Hall is 8 A.M. to 12 Midnight, however during examinations, it remains open ROUND THE CLOCK.
Realizing the crucial role of up-to-date information services for conducting high level R&D activities, the Library since its inception has been in the continuous process of building and updating a standardized collection with latest publications. In these endeavours, by the end of December 2024, the Library has a collection of 132949 books and 6722 bound volumes of Journals. For getting the information about individual Library Account Status and Availability of books is provided through Web-OPAC. The Library has received 285 printed Indian Journals and subscribed 42 Magazines and 20 Newspapers.
The Library has always been in forefront in the application of latest information and communication technology, whenever available. In addition to the wired Internet connection provided to Research Scholars & Faculty Members, the Library has also provided the Wi-Fi facility for its users. To make it accomplish, the Library in its electronic repository, has the access to approx. 7000 e-journals from 13 publishers and 5 Databases. The Library has purchased/ subscribed 282284 e-books from EBSCO (Academic E-Books Collection), JSTOR, Emerald, Institue of Physics, The MIT Press, Wiley-IEEE Press, Cambridge University Press and McGraw Hill Express Library. Apart from this, the access of about 7 lakh e-books from World e-Book Library and South Asia Archive (SAA) has been provided through National Digital Library of India initiative. In addition, 18310 structured video Lectures of IITs through National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning are also accessible over Campus Wide Network.
The Library has one Research Database Lab for the Research Scholars and Faculty Members. This lab is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. Moreover, the University has signed MOU with INFLIBNET for Shodhganga Repository and so far, 727 theses have been uploaded onto the platform of Shodhganga. From January 2024 to December 2024 total issue for home lending were 25476 books and total 92906 books were consulted by the members of the Library.
Apart from the above, the Library provides the facility of detect and check similarity in research work by using "Turnitin" - An anti-plagiarism Software. Library is a member of National Digital Library. Moreover, for accessing the resources of prominent Higher Education Institutions we are the member of NDLI CLUB also.